Saturday, March 27, 2010

London: March 25-28

My visit to London started off with all things going wrong. I arrived in London at 1:00pm after circling in the air for about 30 minutes due to no place to land. Due to the cell phone that couldn’t get signal from some god known reason, I was forced back to methods of the old ages and the use of a payphone. I picked up the Picadilly Line on the tube, transferred to the Bakerloo line to Edgeware Road where Bek had met me. I got settled with a bottle of Beck’s and glass of water before heading out to a pub for fish and chips a Shinerbock for dinner. I ended that night early to have a very productive next day, which included the following…

LeichesSquare, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, Thames, South Bank, London Bridge, a delicious Indian Dinner at Meja and ending with Les Miserable in the West End…amazing!

The next day was a bit more relaxed. I slept in and Bek and I went to the Victoria & Albert Musuem. It was probably one of the best museums I've went to. After that, we went to Harrod's. That place is a zoo! I could never shop there, but... i have to say, it was quite impressive. We then came back home and I had a nap before heading out to SOHO where we had dinner with a few of Brad and Bek's friends at "Italian Restaurant" and drinks at "The Blue Post". We ended the night back drinking wine and watching Grandma's Boy. Tomorrow... heading to Edinburgh, Scotland.

cut and paste the link below to see here all photos of LONDON (it's public for all you non-facebookers)....

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Blog

Using to blog all my travels ended up being too much of a hassle. I guess it will be the home for for only my Costa Rica trip. I'll be using this for now on and hopefully i'll stick to this one and stop writing on loose paper, napkins, backs of brochures, etc.

Europe trip for 3 weeks in 2 days...
London, Edinburgh, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt!