Monday, February 11, 2013

Examples for Final

I chose this first video as a possible model because I like the use of real video footage and captions.  It had the style of a documentary which made feel authentic. The story grabbed your attention and was easy to follow. The narrator's voice was also compassionate and matched with the story and footage.

This example is a more fun and would keep the attention of the viewer.  It comes of as a commercial before you realize it is a back story leading up to a wedding proposal. The story is very clear and easy to follow with the use of interaction with the phone and the variety of images and apps used.  I thought the idea was very clever. I also like the use of the iPhone because everyone can relate to using their smart phone for pretty much anything. It is a good example of how much we use technology today - from phone calls to wedding proposals. It not only is integrated into our lives; it has become a large part of