Monday, April 5, 2010

I Heart Barcelona: April 1-April 4

Day 1

Not off to a good start. I Was pick pocketed by a group of Italians volunteering to help with my luggage up the stairs. Lost goods: a credit card, driver’s license, and Kimba’s iPhone. Sorry Kimba. Met 2 girls at a tapas bar: Canadian and Wisconsinian (haha). I vented about my night and they invited me to hang out with them for the rest of the night.

Day 2

Walked to the beach attempting to find “La Barca”… supposedly a restaurant with “amazing” paella, but was unsuccessful. *Note: Don’t take directions from drunk girls. Ended up eating at some random restaurant: calamari, seafood paella, ice cream, and sangria for 12 euros. Not bad. That night I strolled La Rambla for a cheap place and met a Mexican, Italian, and a group of British folk. It was a good night.

Day 3

Hiked up to Parque Guell to see Guadi’s works. Amazing. Wish I had time to see the houses he built as well. Next time. And yes, there will be a next. From there, took the same line to the FCB Stadium see the chaos and excitement of FC Barcelona fans in hopes to find a season pass holder to invite me in for cheap. No luck. Due to the excitement in the air, I bought myself a ticket and watched FCB beat Athletic Club 4-1. It was worth it. Next: Paris

Stayed: Hostel Palermo
Sights: La Rambla, Barceloneta Beach, Parque Guell, FCB Stadium
Sights I wish I saw: Casas de Guadi, Picasso Museum, Miro Museum
Did: FC Barcelona vs. Athletic Club 4-1
Eats: Tapas Bars, Paella, Crème Cataluyan, Gelato, set menus
Drinks: Sangria, San Miguel, Estrella
Transport: Aerobus (airport to Placa Cataluyan), bus (N17 to airport (alt), metro

Photo Album of Barcelona, Spain:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bad Timing in Scotland: March 28-April 1

Day 1

Landed in Edinburgh, picked up a bus to Haymarket St. with ease where Doug picked me up to bring me to his flat. Unfortunately, I was only going to be there for 1 night because Doug had to go down London for work. He works at the Heineken corporate office as an accountant and by his stories, it sounds like the best job ever! We later walked into the city for some dinner and beer. Chicken stuffed with Haggis alongside a pint of Strongbow cider.

Day 2

Packed my backpack, camera, and laptop for 3 days. For the remainder of the time I stayed at the Heatherlea Guesthouse. Check-in wasn’t until 2, so I lugged my stuff around all over the city. It was colder today with light rain, which made my backpack and stuff seem that much heavier. I made my way to the Edinburgh Castle and spent most of my day there. After the castle, I made my way down to the Royal Mile for a late lunch - Bangers and Mash alongside a pint of Tennents. Apparently, you can’t go wrong with Bangers and Mash. Yum. I then tried a deep fried Mars bar that I kept hearing people rave about. Seems more like county fair food not UK food. anyway… delicious! hah. I then took the wrong bus to the guesthouse, but eventually made it. I got to my room and knocked out for 3 hours. I woke up hungry, took a short walk and found a Chinese “take away” spot. Yes, “take away”, not “take out”, not “to go”, grabbed some UK snacks, watched some TV and slept for 12 hours… jetlagged perhaps?

Day 3

I woke up to it pouring rain outside. It wasn’t much of an invitation to go out and do things. Being tired of museums and galleries, I did some research on the web for other things to do indoor and found the Edinburgh Dungeon tour. It was kind of creepy, kind of cheesy, but entertaining nonetheless. I quit Scotland early today. It was too cold and too rainy to do anything else.

Day 4

Today I woke up to two feet of snow! Really Scotland? Is this how you welcome me? I had minimal clothes and my pair of converse. So I layered most of the clothes I had and doubled up my socks with a plastic bag in between the two. My feet were still cold, but at least they weren’t wet. I made my way out of the city to see the Rosalyn Chapel where parts of the Da Vinci Code was filmed. The roads were blocked off in many areas, so finding the bus I needed took up a good amount of time. The ride up was beautiful! It was white everywhere and took about an hour. I got off the bus, walked (attempting not to slip and fall) for about two minutes to a gate that read “31/3/10 SORRY, CHAPEL CLOSED DUE TO WEATHER.” wtf?! It seemed I was the only one around. There was no one else in sight. Everyone else must have gotten the memo. The buses back to the city only run once and hour so I took some pictures and found my way to hotel restaurant for a late lunch/early dinner – Steak pie and chips. I caught the bus and headed back to the guesthouse. Tomorrow… Barcelona.

Stayed: Heatherlea Guesthouse
Sights: Edinburgh Castle, Royal Mile, Saint Cuthberts Burial Ground
Sights I wish I saw: Rosyln Chapel
Did: Edinburgh Dungeon Tour
Eats: Haggis, Bangers and Mash, Steak Pie
Drinks: Stronbow Cider, Tennents
Transport: FlyBus (airport to Haymarket), bus

Photo Album of Edinburgh, Scotland:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

London: March 25-28

My visit to London started off with all things going wrong. I arrived in London at 1:00pm after circling in the air for about 30 minutes due to no place to land. Due to the cell phone that couldn’t get signal from some god known reason, I was forced back to methods of the old ages and the use of a payphone. I picked up the Picadilly Line on the tube, transferred to the Bakerloo line to Edgeware Road where Bek had met me. I got settled with a bottle of Beck’s and glass of water before heading out to a pub for fish and chips a Shinerbock for dinner. I ended that night early to have a very productive next day, which included the following…

LeichesSquare, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, Thames, South Bank, London Bridge, a delicious Indian Dinner at Meja and ending with Les Miserable in the West End…amazing!

The next day was a bit more relaxed. I slept in and Bek and I went to the Victoria & Albert Musuem. It was probably one of the best museums I've went to. After that, we went to Harrod's. That place is a zoo! I could never shop there, but... i have to say, it was quite impressive. We then came back home and I had a nap before heading out to SOHO where we had dinner with a few of Brad and Bek's friends at "Italian Restaurant" and drinks at "The Blue Post". We ended the night back drinking wine and watching Grandma's Boy. Tomorrow... heading to Edinburgh, Scotland.

cut and paste the link below to see here all photos of LONDON (it's public for all you non-facebookers)....

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Blog

Using to blog all my travels ended up being too much of a hassle. I guess it will be the home for for only my Costa Rica trip. I'll be using this for now on and hopefully i'll stick to this one and stop writing on loose paper, napkins, backs of brochures, etc.

Europe trip for 3 weeks in 2 days...
London, Edinburgh, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt!